Welcome Back!

Hey everyone! Welcome to the inaugural post of Being Blue at PSU’s 2021-2022 season! (Ew. I cannot believe I just typed out “2022.” That doesn’t seem like a real year. But I digress.) This blog will be the written home for all things democrat here at Penn State. We’ll cover special topics, cover major political news and shake ups, as well as feature content from members of the PSU College Democrats! To find out more on exactly how the blog will run this year, see the end of this post. For now, let’s meet our administrators! For its 2021-22 season, Being Blue at PSU will be run by the College Democrats’ two Communications Co-Chairs, who’ll introduce themselves to you in this very post. First up is little ol’ me. My name’s JT Thomas. I’m a second-year student from Harrisburg, PA. Some of my hobbies include singing, writing, and reading. I feel like being a democrat was kind of inevitable for me. My family is Unitarian Universalist, a faith that I very affectionately refe...