Is There Really No "Federal Solution?"
By Tim Klaum Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, on many levels of government and from both sides of the aisle, we've head it said that there's no "federal solution" to ending this, and that the states have autonomy to make rules as they see fit. Most recently, the president himself said those words almost verbatim. And while they may see this as true, I can't help but look at countries around the world who have handled this pandemic farm more gracefully and efficiently than we ever did. Granted, a lot of these countries are smaller than the United States, in both population and just by land mass. However, I can't help but be jealous of countries like New Zealand, which has been relatively covid free since June 2020, while the United States is still struggling. For instance, in New Zealand, they were able to shut down the country altogether, and for the most part their citizens followed protocol. In doing this, the nation was able to quarantine those who had con...