Dems Take DC!!

By Tim Klaum This past weekend, 30 of our members went on our annua Washington D.C. trip, and we were able to spend three days learning so much about our nation and its capital's past, present, and future. Let's dive into a recap of what we did! First off, a massive round of applause for Sydney Robinson, who planned the trip, along with everyone else who made it possible. We couldn't have done this without you, and I know we're all so incredibly grateful. After leaving early Friday morning, most of our cars made it to the capital around noon for a day of jam-packed history. First, we met with End Citizens United, a group working to do just that, and get corporate money out of the political sphere in order to make elections fairer. The meeting was incredibly informational, and we learned so much about each of the little steps forward and back it takes to tackle something as big as a Supreme Court decision. From there, we headed up to the Capitol to learn about its histor...