Dems Take DC!!

By Tim Klaum

This past weekend, 30 of our members went on our annua Washington D.C. trip, and we were able to spend three days learning so much about our nation and its capital's past, present, and future. Let's dive into a recap of what we did!

First off, a massive round of applause for Sydney Robinson, who planned the trip, along with everyone else who made it possible. We couldn't have done this without you, and I know we're all so incredibly grateful.

After leaving early Friday morning, most of our cars made it to the capital around noon for a day of jam-packed history. First, we met with End Citizens United, a group working to do just that, and get corporate money out of the political sphere in order to make elections fairer. The meeting was incredibly informational, and we learned so much about each of the little steps forward and back it takes to tackle something as big as a Supreme Court decision. From there, we headed up to the Capitol to learn about its history. We saw several historic rooms, including the chambers where the Supreme Court first met under the building. We also got to see the large room that separates the House and the Senate, and our tour guide explained how bills are physically walked through the room we stood in when they are transferred between the two. Then, we met with an environmental lobbyist, Sean Hoffman, in a nearby park and learned about how he's helping to convince our government to tackle climate change, as well as the status of D.C.'s environment. To round out our big day with government officials, we met with staff from PA Senator Bob Casey's office, who told us a bit about what they do with him, and how to get involved on a federal level if we so choose. Throughout all of these meetings, our members were able to see up close and personal what it takes to get involved, and we learned so much that will help us in our political futures. We cannot thank everyone we met enough for their time and energy. It's a huge undertaking to meet with any group of people let alone 30 college students, so we thank them for being so gracious with their time to let us get a glimpse into D.C.'s inner workings.

After getting unpack and regrouping in the hotel, we had dinner with Gabby Ciarolo, a PSU College Democrats alum who now lives in D.C. and attends grad school at George Washington University. This dinner was amazing, because it served as a networking session for many of our members, as well as a way to learn about the amazing opportunities that are available to us after undergrad. That night, we took a walk around the National Mall, and it was a great way for us to bond as a group.

The next day we had a much slower day, which was definitely appreciated after such a hectic, but informative, day on Friday. We took a tour of U-street and the historic neighborhood that surrounds it. This tour was so incredible, and we learned a lot about a side of history in D.C. that we don't typically hear about. A favorite amongst our group was Ben's Chili Bowl, a famous restaurant on U-street. After this tour, we had a bit of free time. Many chose to immerse themselves int the culture of different neighborhoods, while others got to explore museums. One lucky group who went to Ben's Chili Bowl even met and took a photo with Virginia Ali, the owner and co-founder of the restaurant!

That night, our group had the honor of visiting the White House and seeing the Christmas decorations throughout the house. It was an amazing opportunity to see famous rooms such as the Green Room, as well as portraits of former Presidents and First Ladies. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity couldn't have been possible without the help of so many, and we owe you all so much gratitude.

Sunday was another busier day. After checking out around 9:30 A.M., we walked down to the Holocaust Museum for our bi-annual visit. This museum is always incredibly informative and important to visit, especially right now.

Finally, before we headed out for the weekend, we were able to meet up with the chapter of College Dems from GWU for lunch, which turned out to be an incredible networking event! It's always so great to meet members of other chapters and see just how many young people are working towards the same goal.

Once again, a huge thank you to Sydney Robinson for planning such an incredible and informative trip. None of this would have been possible without her, and I know I and so many others are tremendously grateful. I can't wait for future trips, and I hope that they only grow from here!


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