By Evan Sutton
Israel's bombardment of Gaza has been raging on for one month as of the time of writing this. As the Israeli government commits numerous crimes, Cori Bush currently leads a coalition of progressive Democrats in support of a ceasefire. However, I am appalled that most fellow Democratic congresspeople still unconditionally support the discriminatory and destructive policies Israel forces on innocent Palestinians. For example, President Joe Biden, along with his allies, have called for an increase in military aid to the Israeli Defense Forces while providing what is effectively lip service to Palestinian children killed by Israel. If we want to adhere to our values of liberty and justice for all, we must condemn Israel's 75-year-long subjugation of Palestinian people and demand their rights be respected.
In every violent breakout in the region since the Nakba (the mass expulsion of 750 thousand Palestinians from their homes), the Israeli government has killed and wounded more Palestinians than vice versa. There is more and more evidence that the IDF does so purposely. For example, Israel's Defense Minister described Palestinians as "human animals," and PM Netanyahu similarly described them as "children of darkness." Nobody should be surprised that a regime that dehumanizes people kills them intentionally.

What is especially telling is the power difference at play here. Israel is a modernized state with a stable economy, near complete Western backing, a massive military, and nuclear weapons. On the other hand, Palestine can't even call itself a state. Its citizens are starving, Nakba refugees can't return home, and its families are at the whim of a brutal IDF occupation tantamount to Apartheid. When you weigh all the factors, it becomes clear that the Israeli government has the power to end the violence forever by giving equal rights and autonomy to Palestinian citizens, yet they choose not to.
some Democrats call for Israel's disgusting behavior to be stopped, they are met with accusations of antisemitism. Saying a country should adopt a policy of equal rights is not antisemitism. Not only that, rejecting the humanity of Palestinians only leads to their radicalization and puts Israeli Jews at risk. As Peter Beinart
observes, Hamas' popularity with some aspects of Palestinian society is a direct consequence of Israel and American's lack of action with regards to non-violent means of liberation. In short, they have made peaceful revolution impossible and made violent revolution inevitable. Steps toward Palestinian liberation must be taken if Israel is to fulfill its responsibility as a safe haven for Jewish people. If these steps are not taken, it will prove disastrous for everyone involved.
Rest assured, Hamas' actions on October 7th, the killing of innocent civilians, were repugnant. They are not a force for national liberation, but a
controlled opposition designed to thwart the Palestinian cause. Most young Democrats already sympathize with Palestinians. They know that Jewish self-determination is not mutually exclusive with Palestinian self-determination. In fact, they go hand in hand. First and foremost, Democrats need to call for a ceasefire in Gaza, an end to the occupation of the West Bank, the right of return for all Palestinian refugees, and the establishment of a secular, democratic, binational state in the region. If we want to be on the right side of history, we need to be steadfast in these policies.
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